You are beautiful
Saturday, October 22, 2011 @ 8:45 AM | 0 Comment [s]

mlm ni sgt buruk . sa bca bloggie her, she crta psl  maboy . then sa on9 fb dia BERIBU pompuan xxxxxx chat dia . F*CK Y*U girls ! nda apala klu kwn dia , ini unknown bha . eish . sod laa . he's MINE ! teruk btl . lw kao admire sgtt dgn dia, tggu la klu dia single bha . isy ! shu shuu ... cute girls, sbr2 laa sab sa sggtt badmud mlm ni . same with April . tlg laa . sa blum ready lgi mw break ma dia , stop disturbing us ! untk c org yg mw sgt kmi break tu . NEVER ~! sanala ko jau2 . jan kcu sa .


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